This is the website of Derwent and Hope Woodlands Parish Council. It was created by a website designer using the Hub theme (i.e. layout, style, format, framework) in WordPress. In order to make the website more accessible, a great deal of work had been carried out on the website.
The parish council hopes that the changes now in place will allow visitors to view the website without too many issues.
Changes which have been made include:
Larger Arial (sans serif) fonts
Improvements to colour contrast
Simple clear design
Enlarged clickable areas
Please note; there are no audio or video files on this website
It has become clear that some codes controlling the appearance of the website are embedded in the Hub theme such that they cannot be modified. Unfortunately, the company which produced Hub (Woothemes) has been bought out and there is a dearth of supporting documents.
The parish council has explored the possibility of an entirely new website. However, it would cost in excess of £25 for every adult in the joint parishes. The parish council believes that this would be a disproportionate burden on such a small community.
The Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) is responsible for enforcing the Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) (No. 2) Accessibility Regulations 2018. If you are not satisfied with our response to your e-mail, please contact the Equality Advisory and Support Service (EASS).
The accessibility of this website will be routinely reviewed in terms of content, technological developments and cost to the community