Save the Peak District National Park’s Upper Derwent Valley from ecological destruction

Severn Trent Water (STW) are in the process of submitting a proposal to the Water Services Regulation Authority (Ofwat) which will allow them to increase the volume of water collected from the Upper Derwent Valley reservoirs, i.e. Ladybower, Derwent and Howden. To quote from one of their e-mails, by:


“raising individual dams, raising multiple dams, constructing a new reservoir”


The proposal is entitled the Upper Derwent Valley Reservoir Expansion (in some instances Extension) scheme under the acronym UDVRE

Whichever option is chosen,  the Valley’s pristine wild landscape will be flooded and and wildlife destroyed

If you believe that National Parks should be places that people can enjoy whether walking, running, cycling, horse riding or watching nature and not for exploitation by big business to cut costs and increase profitability

If you object to the UDVRE proposal on the grounds that if approved, it will set a precedent for big business exploitation of our cherished natural spaces and at a time when it has been recognised that biodiversity is in decline

If you object to big business eco/greenwashing portrayal of drowning the landscape as having benefits for biodiversity

If you object to the obliteration of iconic Victorian dam walls where a war memorial is situated

If you believe that the use of a Direct Consent Order signed off by Government to avoid the normal planning processes is unacceptable

If you would like the Secretary of State for Defra to reject all and any proposals to increase water storage in the Upper Derwent Valley

Please sign the petition:

By  scanning:


Below are files (PDFs) from the parish council, community and other interested parties containing their interpretation of the implications. The PDF files below will be updated as new information is obtained. Please note, STW have refused to answer some questions on the grounds of commercial confidentiality or water security.

Current situation

The proposal

Construction and geology

The supposed benefits

Peak District National Park Authority response

Dambusters heritage

Decommissioned and alternative sources

Climate and demand

Funding and finance
